vol au dessus de village seddouk oufella

vol au dessus de village seddouk oufella

lundi 25 mars 2019

capital raising

When most people think about a capital raising, they think about a private company going public - selling an initial public offering of stock. An IPO can indeed be an effective means of raising capital for corporate ventures, and it has many upsides. With an infusion of cash derived from the sale of stock, the company may grow its business without having to borrow from traditional sources, and it will thus avoid paying the interest required to service debt. This "free" cash spent on growth initiatives can result in a better bottom line. New capital may be spent on marketing and advertising, hiring more experienced personnel who require lucrative compensation packages, research and development of new products and/or services, renovation of physical plants, new construction and dozens of other programs to expand the business and improve profitability. dakhla, Morocco Faire le lien de ce sujet à l'adresse suivante: https://moneyonlineinvestment.com/_/capital_raising/r299502_Where-capital-raising/dakhla-Morocco.html

vendredi 1 janvier 2010

village seddouk oufella

vol au dessus de mon village seddouk oufella !
mon beau village ouvre ces mains pour les aventuriés parapentiste

j'éssaye de monté avec un thermique

sergio plein vol , et les villages de seddouk et mon village seddouk oufella en haut a gauche

sergio plein vol


sergio cherche des thermiques juste au dessus de village de bouyakhni a quelle que km de village seddouk oufella

moi et sergio

sergio agé de 53ans ! il vol depuit 20ans , il a révé de voler en kabylie mai il conai pas des gents parapentiste avec qui il découvre la kabylie en plein air et de regardé les villages au dessus !, et voila le hazard ! il a tembé sur un forume ou il ma contacté ! et la ! l'aventure comence .

la pente d'athrounane a beni maouche

une pente qui donne envie de décolé sans ailes
ha ha ha ha
10km de chez moi